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Practicing Typescript: Generalized Algebraic Data Types
Published 2024-03-04 Updated 2024-05-04
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On November 11th 2023, we hosted the Scala Italy meetup in our Milan’s office. A talk by Nicolas Rinaudo titled "Far more than you’ve ever wanted to know about ADTs”1 grabbed my attention. Algebraic Data Types (ADT) is a noteworthy concept in Software Engineering, particularly in functional programming and type theory. Thanks to this presentation, I better realized its effectiveness on a more pragmatic level.

At the same time I was looking deeper into Typescript’s type system, so I asked myself:

“How Generalized Algebraic Data Types (GADT) and Pattern Matching would look like in Typescript?”

This post aims to answer it. Keep in mind, it's not a deep theoretical analysis, but an attempt for a practical insight on ADTs and Pattern Matching.

As a toy case study, we model a naive payment transactions system with the following assumptions:

  • Transaction-specific commands: validate and process
  • A command to alert users: notify
  • A transaction may be in unprocessed or processed status.

ADT Fundamentals

Let's quickly recall the basic ADT concepts2 before starting coding.

A sum type is a disjoint union of values (sets). In plain words, the sum of a given two or more types is a set containing the values of one of the component types. Essentially, it is like a logical OR (disjunction) between types.

Sum(A, B) = A OR B

It expresses the alternation of the component types: A or B , but not both.

The simplest sum type we can think of is boolean which is the sum type of true and false .

  • true is a set containing a single value
  • false is a set containing a single value
  • boolean is a set containing either the true or false value
boolean = true OR false

Why “sum” type? Because its cardinality (number of possible values) is the algebraic sum of the cardinalities of its component types.

Boolean_cardinality = true_cardinality + false_cardinality = 1 + 1 = 2

A product type is compounded structure containing values of various types. In plain words, the product of a given two or more types is a collection of all the component types. Essentially, it is like a logical AND (conjunction) between types.

Product(A, B) = A AND B

It corresponds to the Cartesian product in set theory and it expresses the combination of the component types: A and B together.

tuple and records data structures are examples of product types.

BooleanTuple = [Boolean, Boolean]

Why “product” type? Because its cardinality (number of possible values) is the algebraic product of the cardinalities of its component types. For instance, variables of BooleanTuple type can assume 4 values

[true, false]
[false, true]
[true, true]
[false, false]


BooleanTuple_cardinality = Boolean_cardinality * Boolean_cardinality = 2 * 2 = 4

An Algebraic Data Type (ADT) is a potentially recursive sum type of product types, ie. an arbitrary structure repeatedly combining sum and products types. For instance:

ADT = A OR (C AND D) OR {nested: ADT}

We are now ready to see how these concepts apply in Typescript, but first a little disclaimer on formality:

In languages with a nominal type system like Scala, defining a sum or product type produces new types with a new set of potential values. Therefore, the above formal definitions are valid at implementation level.

Instead, in a structural type system, all possible values already exist: new types merely define sub-sets. Therefore, we cannot create sum or product types in Typescript as per formal definitions: we can only describe already existing nominal types. Nevertheless, from a practical standpoint, we can define types acting like the sum and product types and still fully meet our objectives.

Basic ADT

In Typescript, the union | type operator creates a disjoint (discriminated) union between types. It's a useful tool for shaping our transaction commands.

type Command = "validate" | "process" | "notify";

Given a value of standard union type, the compiler cannot infer, without type guards, which of the component type is at a given moment.

A discriminator field, ie. a literal type property, helps the compiler to differentiate between the variants. Such types are known as tagged unions3 and they qualify as sum types.

type Command = { _type: "validate" } | { _type: "process" } | { _type: "notify" };

Commands may require extra details to carry out their tasks. For instance:

export type Command =
  | { _type: "validate"; transactionId: string }
  | { _type: "process"; transactionId: string }
  | { _type: "notify"; userId: string };

The Command type acts as contract with the outside world; consumers may use constructors to create commands with ease, for example:

export const validate = (transactionId: string): Command => ({
  _type: "validate",
  transactionId: "<uuid>",

Suppose we intend to combine or chain commands like validate and process. How can we set this up?

We can extend the Command definition with a new compounded type acting as a container for commands themselves.

export type Command =
  | { _type: "validate"; transactionId: string }
  | { _type: "process"; transactionId: string }
  | { _type: "notify"; userId: string }
  | { _type: "chain"; _cmd1: Command; _cmd2: Command };

The chain container acts as a product type enabling the recursively combination of Command values, even another chain. We notice that Command is now an ADT because it is:

  • a recursive
  • sum type
  • of product types

Pattern Matching

Suppose an arbitrary state for our transactions system

type State = {
  /** */

and a function that computes the new state based on a Command used to execute the system business logic.

const nextState = (prev: State, command: Command): State => {
  /** */

Our goal is to provide a skeleton for nextState implementation, ensuring that:

  • The Command type is properly discriminated and narrowed, allowing safe data access for each command according to its type.
  • Logical branches should be fully exhausted, meaning that Command cases must be precisely recognized and managed at compile time. If a new command is added or removed without a proper handling, a compile error should be raised.

Naive switch

We can begin in the simplest way by applying a switch statement to the discriminator field.

const nextState = (prev: State, command: Command): State => {
  switch (command._type) {
    case "validate":
      command.userId; // compile time error
      return prev;
    case "process":
      // ...
      return prev;
    case "notify":
      // ...
      return prev;
    case "chain":
      // ...
      return prev;

The command type is narrowed within each branch. For example, trying to access the userId property inside the validate case results in a compilation error.

Property 'userId' does not exist on type '{ _type: "validate"; transactionId: string; }'. ts(2339)

This meets our first goal. Now, let’s add a new Command component type.

export type Command =
  // [...]
  { _type: "newCommand" };

The compiler raises an error on the nextState function

Function lacks ending return statement and return type does not include 'undefined'. ts(2366)

stating that the function’s return type can be State | undefined due to the switch statement being non-exhaustive. The error is raised as a mismatch between the declared and the inferred return type.

We may drop the explicit declaration, but we would move the responsibility of a producer’s change to the consumer!

- const nextState = (prev: State, command: Command): State => { /** */ }
+ const nextState = (prev: State, command: Command) => { /** */ }
---     ^ inferred return type is State | undefined
// Consumer
const newState: State = nextState(prevState, validate("123"));
//    ^ Type 'State | undefined' is not assignable to type 'State'.
//        Type 'undefined' is not assignable to type 'State'.ts(2322)

Additionally, there are other limitations when working with the native switch. For example

  • The inability to use logical operators in the case statement. The reason being, the logical expressions are evaluated before being compared to the switch value.
  • It does not restrict developers from duplicating a branch because the switch statement only compares values.
const nextState = (prev: State, command: Command): State => {
  switch (command._type) {
    case "validate" || "process": // ⛔️ Always "validate"
      // ...
      return prev;
    case "process":
      // ...
      return prev;
    case "process": // ⛔️ Duplicated branch: compiler won't complain
      // ...
      return prev;
    case "notify":
      // ...
      return prev;
    case "chain":
      // ...
      return prev;

EDIT: You can easily achieve a logical OR between branches by utilizing the case clause fall-through mechanism, as TypeScript also narrows types within the switch statement6.

    case "validate":
    case "process":
        // ...
        return prev;

With reference to our secondary objective, the resulting developer experience and potential side effects isn't great. Is there room for improvement?

Third Party Pattern Matching

Pattern matching is a mechanism for checking a value against a pattern. A successful match can also deconstruct a value into its constituent parts.

Unfortunately, Typescript does not yet (🤞) provide a native pattern matching, but we can rely on third-party libraries.

The one I am most content with is ts-pattern. I would not dive into the syntax and mechanisms of the library: it is pretty intuitive and its documentation is well-written. I would focus on the benefits of using ts-pattern.

Let’s refactor nextState.

import { match } from "ts-pattern";

type State = {
  /** */

const nextState = (prev: State, command: Command): State =>
    .with({ _type: "validate" }, (cmd) => {
      // ...
      return prev;
    .with({ _type: "process" }, (cmd) => {
      // ...
      return prev;
    .with({ _type: "notify" }, (cmd) => {
      // ...
      return prev;
    .with({ _type: "chain" }, (cmd) => {
      // ...
      return prev;

Similarly as before

  • we are discriminating over the _type field by matching on a portion of the command object
  • the cmd variable is properly narrowed
  • branches are exhaustive

If we remove the notify command branch we get an error on the exhaustive call

This expression is not callable.
    Type 'NonExhaustiveError<{ _type: "notify"; userId: string; }>' has no call signatures.ts(2349)

with a pretty straightforward description.

Note that the error is locally raised inside the function, even if we remove the return type declaration! I want to underlying this fact from an architectural point of view as a difference compared to the previous usage of switch statement. What if the nextState function firm is a software module boundary that other parts of our architecture depends on? Should adding, removing, or updating a command indirectly impacts how the consumers use the function?

In this way the contract with the outside world is stable even if the producer makes internal changes and the function firm is not explicitly declared. Instead of placing the burden of boundary responsibility on the developer, who may choose not to declare the return type, we're making better use of the type system inference.

- const nextState = (prev: State, command: Command): State => { /** */ }
+ const nextState = (prev: State, command: Command) => { /** */ }
---        ^ inferred return type is State | undefined
--- compile error inside nextState
// Consumer
const newState: State = nextState(prevState, validate("123"));
//    ✅ No error

Additionally, ts-pattern addresses the limitations found previously

const nextState(prev: State, command: Command): State =>
    .with({ _type: P.union("validate", "process") }, (cmd) => { // ✅ Logic OR
      // ...
      return prev;
    .with({ _type: "notify" }, (cmd) => {
      // ...
      return prev;
        .with({ _type: "notify" }, (cmd) => {.                    // ✅ Compile error raised on duplicated branch
      // ...
      return prev
    .with({ _type: "chain" }, (cmd) => {
      // ...
      return prev;

ts-pattern offers lots of other features, I heartily suggest looking into them.

Generalized ADT for safe composition

Let’s encode the status of transactions in our system

export type Status = "unprocessed" | "processed";

and how a command modifies a transaction’s status.

export type Command<B extends Status, A extends Status> =
  | { _type: "validate"; _before: B; _after: A; transactionId: string }
  | { _type: "process"; _before: B; _after: A; transactionId: string }
  | { _type: "notify"; _before: B; _after: A; userId: string }
  | {
      _type: "chain";
      _before: B;
      _after: A;
      _cmd1: Command<B, Status>;
      _cmd2: Command<Status, A>;

The B (Before) and A (After) parametric types indicate that a command can be used on a transaction possessing a specific Status (_before) and results in a transaction with an identical or different Status (_after). When parametric types are describing properties of a sum type, they are referred to as witness types4: they enable the ADT types refinement at construction time.

In other words, we can now impose stricter constraints for parametric types in the constructors to refine our ADT5. This results in a Generalized ADT: a sum type with one or more witness types, each featuring type equality.

Assume that

  • validate: "unprocessed" -> "unprocessed"
  • process: "unprocessed" -> "processed"
  • notify: "processed" -> "processed"

we refactor our constructors to refine the status transition per each type variant, for example

export const validate = (transactionId: string): Command<"unprocessed", "unprocessed"> => ({
  _type: "validate",
  _before: "unprocessed",
  _after: "unprocessed",

However, if we use the constructor

export const y: Command<"unprocessed", "unprocessed"> = validate("1");
y._type; // "validate" | "process" | "notify" | "chain"
y._before; // "unprocessed"
y._after; // "unprocessed"

we notice that the _type discriminating property is not correctly narrowed due to the lack of connection between _type, _before and _after of each Command component type.

Dually, in the nextState function refactored with the new Command

const nextState = (prev: {}, command: Command<Status, Status>) =>
    .with({ _type: "validate" }, (cmd) => {
      cmd._before; // Status
      cmd._after; // Status
    .with({ _type: "process" }, (cmd) => {})
    .with({ _type: "notify" }, (cmd) => {})
    .with({ _type: "chain" }, (cmd) => {
      nextState(prev, cmd._cmd1);
      nextState(prev, cmd._cmd2);

the _before and _after properties are not narrowed based on the discriminating _type field.

Another relevant issue is that the chain command constructor

export const chain = (
  cmd1: Command<Status, Status>,
  cmd2: Command<Status, Status>,
): Command<Status, Status> => ({
  _type: "chain",
  _before: cmd1._before,
  _after: cmd2._after,
  _cmd1: cmd1,
  _cmd2: cmd2,

allows to compose two transactions of any status. For example, the type system allows for

const x: Command<Status, Status> = chain(validate("1"), notify("1"));

even though validate ending status is not compatible with the notify starting status.

Can we improve our solution? Yes, with safe composition.

Firstly, let’s introduce CommandType as a domain helper and refactor our Command type as follows.

export type CommandType = "validate" | "process" | "notify" | "chain";

export type Command<
  C extends CommandType = CommandType,
  B extends Status = Status,
  A extends Status = Status,
> = {
  _type: C;
  _before: B;
  _after: A;
} & (
  | {
      _type: "validate";
      _before: "unprocessed";
      _after: "unprocessed";
      transactionId: string;
  | {
      _type: "process";
      _before: "unprocessed";
      _after: "processed";
      transactionId: string;
  | {
      _type: "notify";
      _before: "processed";
      _after: "processed";
      userId: string;
  | {
      _type: "chain";
      _before: Status;
      _after: Status;
      _cmd1: Command<CommandType, B, Status>;
      _cmd2: Command<CommandType, Status, A>;

By binding (imposing a connection) between _type , _before and _after, the sum type variants will be correctly discriminated when a value is assigned to the field discriminator or to the witness fields.

const y = validate("1");
y._type; // "validate"
y._before; // "unprocessed"
y._after; // "unprocessed"

const nextState = (prev: {}, command: Command) =>
    .with({ _type: "validate" }, (cmd) => {})
    .with({ _type: "process" }, (cmd) => {
      cmd._before; // "unprocessed"
      cmd._after; // "processed"
    .with({ _type: "notify" }, (cmd) => {})
    .with({ _type: "chain" }, (cmd) => {
      nextState(prev, cmd._cmd1);
      nextState(prev, cmd._cmd2);

We can also enforce the chain constructor to accept only commands with a compatibile ending-starting status, ie. composable commands, even though the Command's chain subtype allows for any transition Status.

type Chain<B extends Status, A extends Status> = Command<"chain", B, A>;
const chain =
  <B extends Status, T extends Status>(cmd1: Command<CommandType, B, T>) =>
  <A extends Status>(cmd2: Command<CommandType, T, A>): Chain<B, A> => ({
    _type: "chain",
    _before: cmd1._before,
    _after: cmd2._after,
    _cmd1: cmd1,
    _cmd2: cmd2,

For example,

const x = chain(validate("1"))(chain(process("1"))(process("1")));

would generate a compile error as the chain validate -> process -> process is not valid: process ends with a processed status, so only a notify command can follow.

Note that the resulting _before and _after properties take in account the entire nested chain of commands

const x = chain(validate("1"))(chain(process("1"))(notify("1")));
x._type; // chain
x._before; // "unprocessed"
x._after; // "processed"

When should I use GADT?

Essentially, GADTs allow for constrains on type parameters based on the value constructor, enabling ADT’s returned value type refinement. Pattern Matching is a side tool working elegantly and safely with GADTs/ADTs. They can be extremely effective in a variety of scenarios, including but not limited to:

  • Compilers or interpreters Abstract Syntax Trees
  • Building domain-specific languages
  • Modeling systems and transitions state
  • Complex data structure manipulation and safe composition

Generally speaking, GADTs/ADTs should be considered whenever we want the type system to ensure safety, correctness and expressiveness of our solution.

However, they add complexity that must be weighed against their benefits as they might not be helpful or even harmful. If your application is simple and small enough, setting up a GADT or an ADT could be more expensive than the advantages they come with. For example,

  • when extensibility is not an issue as you are building a system that is unlikely to expand (you can always refactor it afterwards, thus saving certain upfront costs).
  • when you are designing something to be thrown away, eg. proof of concepts or early MVPs

Deciding whether to use a GADT/ADT at design time is not always easy. A common approach is to first outline your system, and then evaluate if a GADT/ADT option emerges from the needs.

All code available here.

  6. Thanks to Alex Harri for pointing it out on Reddit
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